"Medical Miracles of Jesus"


On the basis of the patients' requests to intercede with the Lord for their healing

Jesus as the Great Chief Physician

In the Christian tradition, Jesus is the physician of souls and bodies, offering care and treatment to all people, without excluding anyone from His salvation. The Fathers see in Jesus the physician, the healer of every disease, who brings salvation through healing and holds the status and title of "Savior"

The medical miracles mentioned in the gospels involve healing patients, and Jesus is described as a physician who healed people suffering from various diseases and disabilities.

Medical miracles are considered important in the Christian faith, as they show the authority and heavenly nature of Jesus as the Son of God and are seen as evidence of Christ's divine authority and love for people.

The medical miracles attributed to Jesus Christ, as recorded in the Gospels of the Bible, include the healing of the blind (Gospel of John, Chapter 9), the healing of the paralytic (Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 9), the healing of the woman with hemorrhage (Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 9). While The Gospels also mention instances of Jesus casting demons out of people and healing them of spiritual disorders.

The stories of Jesus' miracles are accompanied by illustrations depicting the events. Jesus is often depicted with his cross or may be depicted with various symbols, such as the Lamb of God, as a shepherd.

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